Friday, May 9, 2008

Cherry Blossom Festival!!!

Ok so I know this post is like extremely late but I have a good reason. Ok maybe not a good reason but I do have excuses!!! Since I started this new job at the CDC I am extremely exhausted at the end of everyday and all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch TV with Tyler and Isabella, so blogging as kind of been pushed to the back burner!!!

Anyways back to the Cherry Blossom Festival!!! We went on the perfect weekend, the weather was beautiful and the pedals were right in the middle of falling off. If we would have waited another weekend like the base ITT trips were planned we would have missed all of the beautiful pedals falling.

As I said in my previous post we decide to go with a couple that I work with the wife and Tyler works with the husband and also another couple that I work with the wife at the CDC. We woke up at the butt crack of dawn so that we could met them in the BX parking lot at 7:00 a.m., guys on Saturday Tyler is lucky if I'm out of bed at 9:00!!! The town that the festival was in is about 3 hour’s ways so that was the reason they wanted to get such an early start. When we got to the festival it was just beautiful, the pedals were falling all around us!!! Bella loved it; she was running all around trying to catch them!! The only down side to the whole day was that I got a migraine in the middle of the day and by the time we were driving home at 5:00 p.m. I was in excruciating pain. I was sitting in the car with a plastic bag to my face because it hurt so bad that I thought I was going to throw up. But besides that it was an awesome day filled with beautiful sites!!!

This was at the entrance to the park!!!

Bella watching the Koi fish in the little pond at the park!!

Our little group!! Not sure what the guy on the ends name was (how terrible is that), Diane, Elvie, Kiana, Jack, Me, Bella and Tyler.

Tyler, Bella and myself in the cherry blossom tunnel!!

Everyone was sticking their heads in these so Bella wanted to do it to!!

Tyler rowing the boat on our canoe ride!!!

Bella standing in front of the tulips!!

They had all kinds of food booths in the part and this one was selling octopus on a stick and live snails!!!

I just had to take a picture of these kids; it is just like you see on TV!!!

We took a ton more photos and these were just some of my favorites, if you want to see the rest of them you can go to my MySpace page here

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