Friday, April 25, 2008

Work Work Work

For the past week and a half that is all I have been doing!!!! As you all might remember I started a job at the CDC on base, so far it really isn't all that bad. My only complaints would be that every night when I get home I am dog tried!!! I am on my feet almost all day and I am constantly moving around, there is no time to stand still when you have anywhere between 10 and 20 children to look after. Since I am so tired and Tyler is also tired because he has to work all day nothing gets done around the house. Last weekend we had about 5 loads of laundry to do, which is a lot compared to the 2 or 3 I use to do during the week. Yesterday the dishes where piled so high, it took me about 45 minutes to get them all done. Anyone that has ever been to our house or knows me and Tyler knows this is way out of the ordinary for us; our house is usually very clean and tidy. We just really need to find our grove with combining work and keeping up with the house work.

Due to the lack of time I have also decided to put off school for a little while. My first semester back I had to drop one class because I didn't have the time to put into it. I kept one class but I don't think I did very well in it; I haven't had the courage to look up my grade. This semester I started a Computer class but again I don't really have the time to put into it, I know I could make time but that would take away time I could spend with Tyler and Bella. Besides I just don't think I was mentally ready to start back to school.

In other news Bella is loving daycare!!! She is in the 3 to 5 year old room which is mostly 4 and 5 year olds and Tyler and I aren't very happy about that. There are three different rooms that have ages 3 to 5 or as they call them preschoolers and the other two classes have a good ratio of ages. Bella is barely a month into being a three year old and to some point still acts like a 2 year old, so I really don't think she is ready to be with kids so much older than her. I also talked to one of the other teachers at the daycare and she said that they usually don't transition them up to the preschool room until they have been three for a month or so. Tyler and I have talked about it and we decided we would give it a couple of weeks and see if things change because starting Monday there will be a new director over the CDC so who knows what her plans may be.

I got a day off today, well actually it is not a day off I'm on call but if they didn't call by 7 or 8 this morning they are probably not going to call. So I decided to keep Bella home with me because I have been missing her with all this working I have been doing!!! But she is taking a nap right now so I'm going to leave y'all with some pictures and then I'm going to go enjoy the peace and quiet!!!

This picture and the one at the top are of Cherry Blossom Trees behind our apartment. There is a festival in Hirosaki Japan starting this weekend and we plan on going to it with guy Tyler works with and his wife which I work with. We have heard so much about this festival and I can't wait to see all of the beautiful trees. I was so afraid that they weren't going to bloom by this weekend but they are in full bloom. The sad thing is that all the pretty flowers will fall off in like a week or two!!!!

And this is what happens when you let a 3 year old stay up by herself while you try to sleep in!!!! This didn't happen today, it was a couple of weeks ago before I started working but I just kept forgetting to post them.

She said she was giving herself stripes and later when we took a shower and I washed them off she ask me where did her stripes go!!! Kids....there never boring!!!

Hopefully I will have time to get on here Sunday and so y'all pictures of the Cherry Blossom Festival!!!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I wish you could see my house. Yours looks great compared to mine, I'm certain. I work, Clint works, and nothing gets done. Actually, I work days, he works nights. He has more time than me to clean but he won't. So I come home and have to take care of the baby alone, and cook and do whatever else. No fun.