Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Asamushi Aquarium

Things have been so busy!!! I have a couple of blogs I want to write but I don't really have time so I will try to squeeze them in when I get a chance!!! This means they will probably be a little out of date!!! Well Monday was mine and Tyler's 5 year anniversary so he took the day off of work and we took Bella to the aquarium that is about an hour and a half away. We have heard that it is really small but it is fun for the kids. We had a great time, it was a little small but nice. Bella loved looking at all the fish but I think her favorite and I know my favorite were the sea lions. They put on a great show for us and every time we would bend down to get a closer look at them this really fat one would come up and get really close to the window...Bella would laugh so hard at him. The aquarium also had a dolphin show and we made it just in time to see it. Bella wasn't as interest in it as I thought see would be, we had to keep telling her "Bella watch the dolphins, look they are going to jump". I think by the time we got to the dolphin show she was just pretty worn out. After we left the aquarium we just went for a drive in the town. The town that the aquarium is in is called Amori which I think is kind of the capital of our prefecture. It is a coastal town so we found lots of places to go fishing and hanging out at the beach this summer. We ended up eating at MacDonald’s, which is kind of silly being that we are in a foreign land but I don't think we are comfortable enough yet to just try any Japanese restaurant. Because as we have found they can have some really weird stuff on the menu and also we never know how Bella is going to act. After we left MacDs we headed home and stopped by the Universe for some of our favorite Japanese food.

I plan to write about the story of how Tyler and I met but I don't really have time right now. I need to do some more reading in my psych book because I have my final tonight at 5:30. I also have to write a paper for that class that is due by Sunday and I just got an email from my Computer class that I am taking next term. I say next term like I have a break; it actually starts Monday so no break for me. Maybe I can write that tomorrow morning and also post pictures of my anniversary gifts; I would post pictures of Tyler's but his big one hasn't arrived in the mail yet.

Oh big news!!!! As I was writing this I got a call from Services HRO and they said that I have been selected for the job at the CDC. I have to go tomorrow and fill out all the paper work, so that just adds to my list of things I have to do. I am really excited about this because now Bella can start back to daycare. She really needs it, I think a lot of her behavior problems here lately are due to being stuck in this 2 bedroom apartment all day with me. Well I have to get going here are the pictures from the aquarium...I hope to write more tomorrow.

Bella on the way to the Aquarium!!

I don't think I have ever seen a sea turtle this big in my entire life!!!

Tyler and Bella next to the huge sea turtles...she didn't want to sit next to them!!!

Tyler and Bella in the tunnel!!

Me and Bella in the tunnel!!

This is the only good picture I got from the dolphin show....I hate our camera...I want a new one!!!

This is a sign they have up as you walk into the dolphin pool area!!! Sometimes the translations here are so funny!!!

This dolphin was such a ham....he keep coming back so that I could take his picture!!!

These were our favorites!!! This picture is of the really fat one that kept swimming up close to the glass every time we would sit down to look at them.

Bella in front of some fish!!!

On the way to MacDs....she got a big stuffed dolphin that cost like 10 bucks!!!

The coast on the drive around Amori!!!

And this was Bella on the drive home from the aquarium!!! I think she had a good time!!!


Sherry said...

It looks like you had a good time. I liked the translation. Sure hope you didn't grow your hand in the fence. My anniversary was on Tuesday.

Sherry said...

Ooppsss, I hit send. Congrats on the job. Being a stay at home mom was NOT my fortay. I am so thankful for daycares.